Про самодельный датчик цвета мы уже писали, так что идея использовать RGB-светодиода (или нескольких цветных светодиодов) для поочерёдного освещения объекта и считывания на фоторезисторе напряжения с последующим выбором наилучшего отклика — не нова. Однако, попытка сделать реальную «фотошоповскую пипетку» (Eyedropper) продолжает ждать своего воплощения :) real world eyedropper: color sensing for the arduino
// Define colour sensor LED pinsint ledArray[]={2,3,4};// boolean to know if the balance has been setboolean balanceSet =false;//place holders for colour detectedint red =0;int green =0;int blue =0;//floats to hold colour arraysfloat colourArray[]={0,0,0};float whiteArray[]={0,0,0};float blackArray[]={0,0,0};//place holder for averageint avgRead;void setup(){//setup the outputs for the colour sensor
pinMode(4,OUTPUT);//begin serial communicationSerial.begin(9600);}void loop(){
printColour();}void checkBalance(){//check if the balance has been set, if not, set itif(balanceSet ==false){
setBalance();}}void setBalance(){//set white balance
delay(5000);//delay for five seconds, this gives us time to get a white sample in front of our sensor//scan the white sample.//go through each light, get a reading, set the base reading for each colour red, green, and blue to the white arrayfor(int i =0;i<=2;i++){
getReading(5);//number is the number of scans to take for average, this whole function is redundant, one reading works just as well.
whiteArray[i]= avgRead;
delay(100);}//done scanning white, now it will pulse blue to tell you that it is time for the black (or grey) sample.//set black balance
delay(5000);//wait for five seconds so we can position our black sample //go ahead and scan, sets the colour values for red, green, and blue when exposed to blackfor(int i =0;i<=2;i++){
blackArray[i]= avgRead;//blackArray[i] = analogRead(2);
delay(100);}//set boolean value so we know that balance is set
balanceSet =true;//delay another 5 seconds to allow the human to catch up to what is going on
delay(5000);}void checkColour(){for(int i =0;i<=2;i++){
digitalWrite(ledArray[i],HIGH);//turn or the LED, red, green or blue depending which iteration
delay(100);//delay to allow CdS to stabalize, they are slow
getReading(5);//take a reading however many times
colourArray[i]= avgRead;//set the current colour in the array to the average readingfloat greyDiff = whiteArray[i]- blackArray[i];//the highest possible return minus the lowest returns the area for values in between
colourArray[i]=(colourArray[i]- blackArray[i])/(greyDiff)*255;//the reading returned minus the lowest value divided by the possible range multiplied by 255 will give us a value roughly between 0-255 representing the value for the current reflectivity(for the colour it is exposed to) of what is being scanned
digitalWrite(ledArray[i],LOW);//turn off the current LED
delay(100);}}void getReading(int times){int reading;int tally=0;//take the reading however many times was requested and add them upfor(int i =0;i < times;i++){
reading = analogRead(0);
tally = reading + tally;
delay(10);}//calculate the average and set it
avgRead =(tally)/times;}//prints the colour in the colour array, in the next step, we will send this to processing to see how good the sensor works.void printColour(){Serial.print("R = ");Serial.println(int(colourArray[0]));Serial.print("G = ");Serial.println(int(colourArray[1]));Serial.print("B = ");Serial.println(int(colourArray[2]));//delay(2000);}
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